Everything I hope for in WWE 2k18

With The Man(Seth Rollins) announcing that he would be the cover star of WWE 2k18 and the reveal trailer dropping I felt like it was time to give out my hopes and dreams of everything that I would like to see in WWE 2k18. Now don’t get me wrong WWE 2k17 was a major improvement and it has it bugs but me personally I feel like WWE 2k should be the best sports RPG out there since WWE is really roleplaying. I’m not gonna make this list super long so I will give you my top 5 things I want to see when WWE 2k18 comes out Oct. 18. Ready here we go:

5. Online Universe

  • I have friends online that create leagues and try to manage them and don’t get me wrong that’s cool but 2k its time to cater to fans for a online universe. I would like to see an online universe. It should be up to 30 players in a league and you guys get to battle it out for the WWE championship, form tag teams, stables, and so on.

4. Make a MyGM mode

  • I heard the rumor last year of a MyGM mode and I was so excited. I cried when I found out it was false. But while the mode is a success(for the most part) in NBA 2k I would like to see them give it a shot in WWE video games. You should still have the options to play matches but lets create a GM for either Raw, Smackdown, even NXT. The mode should consist of you battling for ratings, setting up storylines,and taking upon yourself to decide what superstars get a push depending on fan interest as either a heel or a babyface. Also I think depending on what brand you go to Stephanie and Shane should have goals for you that they want you to meet every year.

3. Keep your presentation and roster updated

  • To start the WWE is constantly changing and I feel like the game should change with it. I don’t know about you but when I watch WWE programming I notice changes to the stage set ups I wish they were in the game or even if a superstar changes his theme music and entrance I want that in the game too. I would like to see that happen and I know it can, it will only make the experience even better to live out wwe programming in the video games. I’ve seen 2k update everything from gear, to floorboards and team logos, even Lebron choice to show his decreasing hairline and even hiding it. NBA 2k is always updating details in there game and its time for wwe to get the same treatment.
  • The commentators should continuously update their content to keep the game fresh as well. If you are fighting with characters who are currently in a rivalry on WWE programming then the commentators should talk about that during your match and the events that have transpired. JBL should talk about how he is impressed by the performance of certain superstars, his history with superstars and even how he hates certain gimmicks superstars have. Commentating should continue to update so you don’t here repetitive words and give us a feel that we are in the here and now instead of the past.
  • Finally instead of paying for character DLCs they should just be given to us for free apart of an update. EA UFC has been doing it since it came out with new fighters coming and going all the time and WWE should follow in that trend. I feel like that’s better than only having a certain amount of new characters coming to the game when 10x more have arrived and all the fans are excited about it. I appreciate the community online for creating these superstars but its time for 2k to do it instead and just give us updates with the superstars and there location whether its, Raw, Smackdown or even NXT.

2. More freedom

  • I know WWE is working towards being the top and only sports entertainment RPG and they are getting closer and closer but they need to go back in time and grab some of the features from old games and bring them back to life. I would like to be able to roam around back stage during my MYCareer mode.
  • I would also like to see interactions with other superstars ranging from friendly conversations and trying to find a partner for a tag team match to even stating backstage brawls. It would also be nice to walk in the GM’s office and talk to them about getting a title match  and better competition if they are only giving you weak competition. Hell you should even be able to demand matches against people.

1. Unpredictability

  • The game is getting smoother and smoother with different paced characters each year but I feel like its still missing an unpredictable factor, those moves and actions that make you say OMG!!. What I want to see in wwe 2k18 is a more unpredictable game. I like the top rope finishers and the OMG moments but you kind of see them coming from the animations. But we need those true momentum shift moments that either change the course of the match or even bring the match to an ending that will make us want even more.

In conclusion I can not wait for WWE 2K18 to drop on October 18 and I hope to see atleast 2 of the things on my list in the game. I can go on and on but it would be a book by the time I’m done. Thank you for those who actually read this and please go follow my social media pages as I will have more blogs about everything coming soon. I will leave you with the controversial trailer of WWE 2k18  and please leave your comments on my list and what more you would like to see in the new installment. Thank you and remember to BeAFoe.

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