4 Hot Takeaways from Summerslam

Summerslam has passed and overall I give this PPV a B-. The best matches from the PPV were the raw tag Team titles match and AJ Styles Vs Kevin Owens. Honestly I don’t even think I heard a single this is awesome chant. They might haven’t chanted that when Braun was tossing Brock around but the first couple of matches made me tired so I probably did not notice. If you want to know all the results from the PPV click on the link below:

Summerslam 2017

This PPV has attracted a lot of mixed feelings from everything that I have read and some feel that the last match was an instant classic (maybe I need to look twice). The most exciting and OMG moment of the night was the announcement of Shawn Michaels becoming the new Colonel Sanders. I couldn’t drag much out of this PPV but I do have 4 things I did get out of this PPV…check it out

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