5 Takes on Cena vs Reigns Feud

Finally Heel Cena

heel cena

Once again Vince won’t go for it because he wants his pride and Joy to be cheered for as a baby face not a heel and then he would lose a lot of money that Cena brings in being a face for the kids to love (Roman would bring in money as a heel) but heel Cena could make this feud interesting. Cena has the veteran skills and the skills on the mic to draw people in and make them watch this feud but we need that ruthless aggression Cena for it to work. Cena could come in feeling intimidated that Vince has someone to replace and he could be out to prove that he is here to stay and not even the Roman Empire can replace the Cena Nation. This might help Roman get over as a face for the fans but this would have to be a very physical feud. Anyways next curiosity

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