5 Takes on Cena vs Reigns Feud

Who puts over whom?


The main thing I will personally enjoy about this feud is that it is unpredictable. We don’t know who is going to be put over. This feud can either add to Johns Legacy or add to Romans growing resume. There are not a lot of people in WWE that can say they got a win over both Cena and Undertaker especially not one of the new faces. This feud will have the officials split and Vince up late at night saying “to be or not to be” We won’t be able to call this match and predict or wins. Me personally I believe that Roman is boring in the ring and half of his good matches are because of the guys he face not him but this is a match of power houses and may cause him to pull out a couple new moves cause we all know it’s hard to put away Cena.  Who will the officials choose Roman Reigns or John Cena?

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