5 Takes on Cena vs Reigns Feud

Replace Reigns with Joe

joe vs cena

This is off topic yet on topic because Joe has his eyes set on Cena as well and I feel like that will honestly make a better feud than Reigns vs Cena. This would be more like a dream match in my eyes because I have been waiting for that day to happen since I first seen Joe in TNA. Joe has the in ring ability, the mic skills, and the aggression to counter John Cena in a feud that could be epic The fans would definitely be more tuned in because we approve of Samoa Joe and this would just add to his tremendous wrestling career if he could put on his resume “ I put John Cena to sleep”. So what do you guys think about this upcoming bout of old school vs new school. Who do you got Cena or Roman Reigns? Would you rather have Joe be the guy to feud with Cena since he claims to have the yard on lockdown? Or would you settle for a triple threat match between the 3? Let me know and thanks for reading.

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