6 Things I Hope to See When Conor faces Floyd

1. Floyds has his first UFC fight

ufc ring

The fight ends and the winner is ___________? We don’t know because it hasn’t happen and now we are post fight. Smack talking continues and a challenge is laid out for a rematch in the octagon. But what if Conor is like we can do this right now and the UFC girls come out, Herb Dean on stand by and a pair of UFC gloves are handed to the competitors. Somehow and some way they got an octagon down and now we are in for an extended treat. Floyd vs Conor in a MMA style match. That would be epic and something to remember for a life time if we could get some type of 2 for 1 special. The fight is this Saturday August 26 and the event starts at 10pm e/t tune in to watch an epic (hopefully bout) and tell me what weird things you want to happen in this match that’s unlike a boxing match. Thanks for reading

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