New Batman Anime is coming and it looks AMAZING!!!

While people are still trying to force a sour taste in the masses mouth from that more than promising Justice League movie, a trailer came out the other day and caught me by surprised with nothing but awesomeness. There is a new anime coming called Batman Ninja and from looking at the trailer it is a must watch in 2018.Batman Ninja is a new story with a very interesting plot. Batman and more familiar faces are transported to Japan in the Middle Ages. While there they must stop Joker (who looks like a complete badass I might add) and his minions from altering the future of the country. Here is a look at the trailer:

From the looks of the trailers (there was 2 in one there) we have a lot of fan favorite characters here:

  • Batman
  • Robin
  • Nightwing(swore I saw a glimpse of him)
  • Harley Quinn
  • Catwoman
  • Joker
  • 2 Face
  • Grodd(I’m assuming the gorilla in armor was him)
  • Joker
  • Alfred

Warner Bros did announce this anime back in October a few days before Comic Con begun. This anime will be done by some of Japans finest. The director is Jumpei Mizusaki. He is best known for his production duties on one of the best animes of all time JoJo’ Bizarre Adventures and his technical animation work on some Mega Man games like Mega Man X7 & X8. Now that great character design that you see there was done by Takashi Okazaki. Okazaki is the creator of another beloved anime series Afro Samurai and he is doing the designs for Batman Ninja. He has redesigned all of the characters to give them fresh looks that look amazing. No specific date is announced yet but I’m already amped for this anime. I have been a huge fan of DC animated movies for a while and I’m sure this one will not disappoint and maybe even lead to more animes in the future.

Batman Ninja will be released in Japan in 2018.

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