Ranking the UFC Champions

mighty mouseRose

#1 Demetrious Johnson the Flyweight champion 125lbs. Demetrious Johnson recently broke the title defense record with 12 straight. He has improved every fight and still has looked levels above his competition. Out of all 12 title defenses he has only lost one round. He is the closest fighter to perfect a lot of people would say. They even held a tournament for other 125lbers around the world and the winner got to fight Demetrious and he still won that fight. TJ Dilashaw the Bantamweight Champion is now trying to come down to the Flyweight division and fight for the Flyweight belt. Doesn’t look like anyone in the Flyweight division was going to touch Demetrious Johnsons belt so the champion of a bigger weight class wants to stop it. If he wins against TJ Dilashaw he will probably be the undisputed Greatest of all time.

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